Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Old One But It's GREAT !!!

You know you're Iraqi when...
1. You originally have no Arab blood, you're either Turkish, Iranian, Assyrian, Chaldean, Kurdish, Turkomani, or Indian in Origin, but somehow you're Arab!
2. When surrounded by other Arab nationalities and you speak Iraqi no one knows what the hell you're saying.
3. When talking to Egyptians your Iraqi accent turns Egyptian, when talking to Lebanese, your accent turns Lebanese...etc..
4. If you're a guy, all the Iraqi women already have their eye on you and want you for their daughter.
5. If you're a girl, all the Iraqi women think their sons are too good for you.
6. All Iraqi Fathers look like Saddam Hussein.
7. When Iraqi women get together, they all compete in who's got the loudest voice?
8. Every Iraqi family is dysfunctional in one way or another.
9. Every Iraqi has a bit of Im3aydee in them.
10. Iraqis have an exclusive Swearing vocabulary ranging from 'Incheb-ee', 'Islayma', 'sarsaree', , 'thowla', 'booma', 'Quz al qut', 'ghabra', ..etc...
11. There is no such thing as elegant eating in an Iraqi Household.
12. Everyone has at least one Ali in their immediate family.
13. If dinner doesn't include rice, its not considered a meal.
14. Kathem al Saher is considered Handsome amongst Iraqis.
15. When Iraqi guys try to pick up girls, their approach is maybe a bit too aggressive "Hay shlown jamal ya bint al kalb", "Lich hay weyn ray7ah, ta3alee ihna, khen ger-gir?", "Shinoo hal kaykah, Jawa3teenee"
16. Being Romantic is foreign to Iraqis, when they try to be, it's so unsuitable that ladies prefer the true Iraqi way better.
17. Every Iraqi knows every family in the entire nation of Iraq, and some how you always know a specific story about them.
18. Every Iraqi you meet was a neighbor or is a neighbor back home.
19. When Iraqis dance to 3adel 3ogla or Hatem al 3raqi, everyone returns to their Im3aydee roots, everyone goes wild, and all the other non-Iraqis get scared.
20. Saying the word 'Baghdad' makes Iraqis cry hysterically.
21. During a wedding, all the young single people are checking each other out.
22. You've been beaten up to death by a Na3al at least once in your life.
23. It is not biologically possible for Iraqis to have a small nose.
24. Sarcasm is part of Iraqi DNA, You never know whether the joke is a joke or not!
25. To be Iraqi you must drink Tea (CHAI) five times a day.
26. Saddam Hussein comes up at least 3 times a day in your conversation.
27. Everyone owns a leather Jacket, Big Shoulder pads and a thick Belt is a MUST!
28. You have Guests over for breakfast, lunch, dinner and after midnight. >
But all in all.....WE RULE!!!


  1. Wow, really thought that I'm Iraqi, but according to these I'm not.
    "All generalizations are false including this one".. This one is really false. The reason is too long for a comment and too unimportant for an e-mail so I'm not going to mention it. At least till you ask me to.!

  2. Dude, u been living in iraq for the past year? PARADISE? if this is paradise then please send me on a highway to hell. at least there they have electricity 24/7.
    peace to all

  3. Thanks Anarki for Ur comments,and by the way UR WEBSITE ROCKS !!! I got to learn MANY things from U,Hope to C U soon till then C YA !!!

  4. yeah dude c ya2.

    salam2all the family.


  5. I am still laughing...that was very funny. It's all too familiar. It's what makes life interesting:)

  6. Feel free to come and check it out if you get time :-)
